Wim Dirriwachter

The Netherlands
Wim Dirriwachter, born in 1937 in 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, studied Composition with Jan van Dijk, the piano with Jan Wijn and Music in Education with Cor de Man, all at the Brabant Conservatory. After finishing his studies there, he took up orchestral direction with Piet Ketting for several years.
Between 1960 and 1975, he worked as a music teacher at the teacher training college in Tilburg. He founded the Tilburgs Vocaal Ensemble, which he conducted for five years. As conductor of the choir Toonkunstkoor Tilburg, he regularly performed with the regional symphony orchestra, Brabants Orkest. From 1975 to 1998, he worked at the Groningen Conservatory, teaching a major in Music in Education as well as courses in Music Theory and Composition.
As a composer, Dirriwachter has always gladly taken the demand from his own musical practice as a challenging starting point. This has led to the creation of many different works for both amateur and professional musicians in varying compositions. Recently, he completed Nel fuggir del tempo, a song cycle for mixed chorus of five voices to words by Michelangelo.
Psalm 49
Psalm 50