Wim Berteloot

After successfully finishing his studies at the "Koninklijk Muziekconservatorium" in Ghent and at the "Koninklijke Beiaardschool Jef Denijn" in Mechelen, Wim Berteloot became sacristan and organist of Saint Michael's Church in Roeselare.
He teaches music in several secondary schools in Roeselare as well as at the "Stedelijke Academie voor Muziek, Woord en Dans" where he leads the choir class and the Roeselare department of the "Koninklijke Beiaardschool Jef Denijn".
He is choirmaster of Saint Michael's choir in Roeselare and of the male choir "De Kerels" in Emelgem (Izegem).
His compositions are mainly in the field of choir- and carillon music.
Psalm 12
- score
- part - Soprano
- part - Alt
- part - Choir
- part - Bariton
- part - Discant
- part - Carillon
- explanation
Psalm 13
- score
- part - Soprano I
- part - Soprano II
- part - Alt
- part - Men's choir
- part - Choir for equal voices
- part - Piano
- explanation
Psalm 14
- score
- part - Basstem
- part - Melodiestem
- part - Choir (two voices mixed)
- part - Carillon
- part - Discant
- part - Piano (Klavier)
- explanation
Psalm 15