Joost Van Balkom

He were born in 1959. Has been city carillonneur for 's-Hertogenbosch, Drunen and Boxtel in the Netherlands since 1988. Mr. van Balkom received his diploma from the French carillon school, after studying clarinet at the Brabants conservatory; he also took a degree in composition at the royal conservatory in The Hague. In addition, he has been a clarinet and saxophone teacher at different music schools.
He wrote 80 compositions for chamber music, carillon and symphony orchestra. His compositions are performed at different festivals as "Gaudeamus Music week", "November music", Theater festival "The Boulevard", "Oorproeven" and "Magic Maastricht". His composition "trine" for flute, clarinet and piano has a nomination for the composition contest "flutonicon".
Psalm 108
Psalm 109
Psalm 110