Lucien Posman

Lucien Posman (°1952) is a teacher at the School of Arts - Royal Conservatory of the University College Ghent. He is chairman of ComAV, The Flanders Composers Archipelago, and member of The Royal Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts.
He studied music theorie, composition and singing at the conservatories of Ghent and Antwerp. His works comprise a symphony, an opera, concertos for piano and for violine, chamber music for various ensembles and a relatively large number of vocal works, mostly using texts by William Blake. As composer he is a representative of postmodernism. His work is performed and braodcast by prominent artists musicians and orchestras at home and broadcast in many European countriesn Brazil and Russia. in many European countries, Brazil and Russia. A number of his works have been awarded composition prizes.
Psalm 88
Psalm 89
Psalm 90