Irma Bilbao

Irma Bilbao started composing when she was 13 years old. Her composing talent was soon discovered by Luc Goosen and Jan Decadt. She immediately got favourable reviews. In 2003 Irma Bilbao got a grant from the New York Women Composers to perform her soloprogram 'More than a voice' (New York, 2004). Composers like Mauricio Kagel, Boudewijn Buckinx, Maria de Alvear... praise her creativity as a composer. Her music is performed in Belgium, Ukraine, Bulgary, USA, Italy, Netherlands, Indonesia, Vietnam, Germany, Austria, England, Brazil, France, Lituania, Russia. Member of Sabam, ISCM,Matrix and Comav.
Psalm 16
Psalm 17
Gezongen versie:
Instrumentale versie:
Psalm 22
Psalm 23