Felix Vermeirsch

Youngest composer of Flanders
Felix was born in 1999. At 6 years, he starts to compose. In 2010, he becomes "youngest composer of Flanders" with his work for Chamber Orchestra "De vergeetput". This work was selected for the composition project " The times they are A'changin' " of the HERMES ensemble. Also in 2011 and 2012, he was selected with "Heksensabbat" and with "3 visions". (video: "3 visions")
In 2011, he won the "Cantabile composition contest" with his piano work "the lazy Leopard" and he received the medal "Belgian artistic promotion" of SABAM.
His first CD "PianoFantasia" was released in 2011: http://www.yesmusic.be/nl/products-page/1-cds/
Felix is also an excellent young cellist. He takes cello lessons from Stefaan Craeynest SAMW in Diksmuide. In 2010, he won the final of the VLAMO-contest for strings and in 2012 the final of the colors of Belgium in Flagey.
Felix gives concerts in Belgium and Netherlands. (video: 'Lied ohne Worte' opus 109 Mendelssohn)
Psalm 1 - Braaf en gaaf